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CS605 - Software EngineeringII

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  • CS605 Grand Quiz

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  • CS605 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    @zareen said in CS605 Assignment 3 Solution and Discussion:

    We have studied different software lifecycle models and project management techniques in this course. We have observed that various software application types require different software engineering models and techniques for their design and development.

  • CS605 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

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    @zareen said in CS605 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion:

    You have to write 5 functional requirements each for any two of the departments (out of four) of your choice, that must be fulfilled during the software development. [5+5 marks]

    There are four main activities in the requirements engineering process:

    Feasibility study:
    An estimate is made of whether the identified user needs may besatisfied using current software and hardware technologies. The study considers whether the proposed system will be cost-effective from a business point of view and if it can be developed within existing budgetary constraints. A feasibility study should be relatively cheap and quick. The result should inform the decision of whether or not to go ahead with a more The requirements engineering process
    detailed analysis (feasibility report). Requirements elicitation and analysis:
    This is the process of deriving the system requirements through observation of existing systems, discussions with potential users and buyer, task analysis. This may involve the development of one or more system models and prototypes. These help the system developer understand the system to be specified. Requirements specification:
    Requirements specification is the activity of translating the information gathered during the analysis activity into a document that defines a set of requirements. Two types of requirements may be included in this document. User requirements are abstract statements of the system requirements for the customer and end-user of the system; System requirements are a more detailed description of the functionality to be provided. Requirements validation:
    This activity checks the requirements for realism, consistency, and completeness. During this process, errors in the requirements document are inevitably discovered. It must then be modified to correct these problems.Of course, the activities in the requirements process are not simply carried out in a strict sequence. Requirements analysis continues during definition and specification and new requirements come to light throughout the process. Therefore, the activities of analysis, definition, and specification are interleaved. In agile methods,such as Extreme Programming, requirements are developed incrementally according to user priorities and the elicitation of requirements comes from users who are part of the development team.
  • CS605 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    @zareen said in CS605 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Question no. 2: 5 Marks
    Suppose you are a Project Manager at a large organization and your team has been assigned a project to develop an ERP system for your Organization.
    State (with 02 valid reasons) which Software Process Model you will use and Why ?


    Spiral Model is the most appropriate model for developing such type of systems.

    Requirements are complex and need evaluation / feedback to get clarity. Significant changes are expected in the product during the development cycle due to nature of the system. Development can be divided into smaller parts and the risky parts can be developed earlier which helps in better risk management.
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