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Virtual University

Virtual University Assignment Discussion and Solution, Quiz Discussion and Solution, GDB discussion and Solution, Solved Mid Term Past Paper, Solved Final Term Past Paper
1.5k Topics 5.1k Posts

  • 8 Topics
    24 Posts

    You can increase the background-size (500px in this example) to increase transition smoothing.

    const e = document.getElementsByClassName('scan')[0]; const hidden = document.getElementsByClassName('hidden')[0]; document.onmousemove = function(event) { = `${event.clientX}px`; // ↓ background width (500px) / 2"--pos", `${event.clientX - 250}px`); }; * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html, body { width: 100%; min-height: 100vh; overflow-x: hidden; display: flex; } .banner { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; flex-grow: 1; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; background-color: #031321; } .banner .scan { width: 7px; height: 80%; position: absolute; left: 30px; z-index: 3; transition: left 50ms ease-out 0s; border-radius: 15px; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 15px 5px #fff, /* inner white */ 0 0 35px 15px #008cff, /* inner blue */ 0 0 350px 20px #0ff; /* outer cyan */ } .banner .description { width: 100%; color: white; font-size: 3em; text-align: center; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .hidden { background: radial-gradient(dodgerblue 10%, #031321 50%) var(--pos) 50% / 500px 500px no-repeat fixed; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } <div class="banner"> <div class="scan"></div> <div class="description"> Just <span class="hidden">hidden</span> something </div> </div>
  • 28 Topics
    186 Posts
    asmazahid asmaA

    In computer science, a Boolean expression is an expression used in programming languages that produces a Boolean value when evaluated. A Boolean value is either true or false.

  • 32 Topics
    40 Posts

    The term process model is used in various contexts. For example, in business process modeling the enterprise process model is often referred to as the business process model.

    software process, software products, e.g. architectural descriptions, source code, user documentation, and the roles of people involved in software engineering. Examples: The waterfall model • The spiral model • “V-Modell (XT)” (dt.)

    The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software development. The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow. This means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete.

    The spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model. Based on the unique risk patterns of a given project, the spiral model guides a team to adopt elements of one or more process models, such as incremental, waterfall, or evolutionary prototyping.


  • 1 Topics
    1 Posts

    Due Date: April 28, 2019


    Considering your research interests and access to the available lab facilities, provide us the following information:

    Which lab will you join for your MS thesis research work?

    · VU Lab

    If you are interested in working at VU Lab under the supervision of VU faculty members, then please mention which lab you will be joining? VU labs are located in Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad and Karachi.

    · Non-VU Lab

    If you want to work with external supervisor from any other institution in his/her lab then provide following information

    Information in below given table

    Written consent/ email from the external Supervisor


    · No assignment will be accepted after the due date.

    · If you fail to submit this assignment, then process of allocation of supervisor for you will be delayed

    · If you have any question please contact: [email protected]

  • 3 Topics
    3 Posts


  • 2 Topics
    2 Posts

    Classroom Observation Form
    B.Ed One Year Teaching Practice
    Virtual University of Pakistan
    Please spend the required number of observation hours in the elementary grades (6 - 8) in the school that you have identified and fill in this form.
    Learning Theories

    Which learning theory is being used by the teacher in her teaching approach? Support your answer by giving three examples. /3
    Classroom Management

    What is the physical seating arrangement in the class and how is it affecting the classroom management? /3

    Which types of management approaches are being used in the class? /2
    • Overt Management Approaches
    • Covert Management Approaches

    Which models of classroom management are being used in the class? Please give an example of your observation. /2
    • Assertive discipline
    • Logical consequences
    • Teacher effectiveness training

    Which of the following management styles does the teacher follow? Please support your answer with an example. /2
    • Strong Control
    • Teacher Preparedness
    • Laissez-Fair
    • Moderate Control

    Which reward mechanism is being used in the class when students adhere to the rules? /1
    For example:
    • Verbal (Well done!)
    • Non-verbal (Nods, smiles, facial and body gestures)
    • Tokens / Stars

    Which negative consequences are being used in the class for breaking the rules? Support your answer with examples. /1

    For example:
    • Missing recess
    • Detention after school
    • Relinquishing a reward won earlier
    • Extra academic work
    • No game period
    • Assisting in cleaning the classroom
    • Suspension from school
    Classroom Assessment
    8. Which types of assessments are being used in the class and which one of them is being used the most, and why? /2
    9. Which tools of assessment are being used in the class? /1
    For example:
    • observation,
    • questionnaires,
    • interviews,
    • tests,
    • quiz,
    • Projects etc.
    10. Are the tests being used in class free of bias? How? /1
    11. Do the tests used in the class have content and face validity? /1
    12. Which types of feedback are being used in the class? Please share example of feed-back given by the teacher?
    For example: /1
    • Descriptive
    • Evaluative
    • Motivational
    • Oral
    • Written

    Attendance Form for Classroom Observations
    B.Ed (One Year) Virtual University of Pakistan
    • Student Name & ID ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    • School Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • Head Teacher Name------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Grade Level Day Date Starting Time Ending Time

    • Total number of hours observed: --------------------
    • School Stamp ------------------------------------------------
    • Teacher’s sign -------------------------------------------------

    Note: Please get signed “Attendance form of Classroom Observation” and attach the scanned copy with the observation.

  • 2 Topics
    4 Posts

    please share idea

  • 2 Topics
    5 Posts

    Discus the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell therapy.

  • 3 Topics
    4 Posts

    @zaasmi said in BT403 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Discuss which plant transformation method works best for plant transformation and why?

    This natural ability to alter the plant’s genetic makeup was the foundation of plant transformation using Agrobacterium. Currently, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the most commonly used method for plant genetic engineering because of relatively high efficiency.


  • 11 Topics
    22 Posts


    Program:- #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int gd,gm,n,*x,i,k=0; //window coordinates int wx1=220,wy1=140,wx2=420,wy2=140,wx3=420,wy3=340,wx4=220,wy4=340; int w[]={220,140,420,140,420,340,220,340,220,140};//array for drawing window detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //initializing graphics printf("Window:-"); setcolor(RED); //red colored window drawpoly(5,w); //window drawn printf("Enter the no. of vertices of polygon: "); scanf("%d",&n); x = malloc(n*2+1); printf("Enter the coordinates of points:\n"); k=0; for(i=0;i<n*2;i+=2) //reading vertices of polygon { printf("(x%d,y%d): ",k,k); scanf("%d,%d",&x[i],&x[i+1]); k++; } x[n*2]=x[0]; //assigning the coordinates of first vertex to last additional vertex for drawpoly method. x[n*2+1]=x[1]; setcolor(WHITE); drawpoly(n+1,x); printf("\nPress a button to clip a polygon.."); getch(); setcolor(RED); drawpoly(5,w); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); floodfill(2,2,RED); gotoxy(1,1); //bringing cursor at starting position printf("\nThis is the clipped polygon.."); getch(); cleardevice(); closegraph(); return 0; }
  • 1 Votes
    13 Posts

    Get Free VU Assignment, Quiz, GDB Solution and Discussion Alert and Notification in Chrome

  • 3 Votes
    25 Posts

    please check chat room for latest and current updates

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  • Aassignment and quiz solutions

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    Overseas Exam Software and related materials have been made available for download. Please make sure to install the latest exam application available on the link given below. In addition, students must follow the sequence of instructions given below for smooth and error-free installation:


    A student must have complete administrative access to their machine (i.e., desktop or Laptop), and use a persona internet connection . Do not use an office system and internet connection with administrator restrictions/policies.

    Core i3 (or above)
    2 GB of Ram (Minimum)
    Internet Connection (2 MB Minimum)
    Use only a Windows 10 (64 bit) equal or above version 1909
    System default language MUST be English (United States). It can be set from Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Format
    Download and install in sequence the following pre-requisite softwares and Exam application from the following link:

    Microsoft . Net Framework 4.5.2
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) version 11.0.61030
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) version 14.0.24123
    VUTES Overseas 2.1 (Updated)
    TeamViewer 15 (Install as personnel / non-commercial)
    An icon of VUTES will be visible on their desktop after the installation of the VUTES exam application. Please double-click the icon to run the demo test.


    A student may test their installation by joining any of the following sessions FROM (August 4, 2021) UP TO (August 28, 2021), during the specified session timings as mentioned below:

    Session 1: 08:00 A.M (PST)
    Session 2: 09:30 A.M (PST)
    Session 3: 11:00 A.M (PST)
    Session 4: 12:30 P.M (PST)
    Session 5: 03:00 P.M (PST)
    Session 6: 04:30 P.M (PST)
    Session 7: 06:00 P.M (PST)
    Please use the student ID as a login and password for login into the exam application to check the demo test. For example,

    Student ID: Student ID
    Password: Student ID

    After completing the demo test, the student must confirm their installation status by clicking the link “Click here to confirm your installation status” given on

    Note: There are no invigilators present during the demo sessions, so no need to reply to the messages during the demo. A student can send us their feedback at [email protected] or contact us on “Overseasexams” at Skype or through Whatsapp “+92-3000656908” during demo sessions for support.


    Please observe the following guidelines to appear in the SPRING 2021 FINAL TERM EXAMINATION as an overseas student:

    The timings mentioned on the entrance slip are as per Pakistan Standard Time (PST).
    VUTES login will be active 15 minutes before actual paper time.
    A student must log in with the student ID and password given on Roll No. Slip
    Use only one external webcam (i.e., wide lens and at least a 2-meter-long cable) to view the PC/laptop, keyboard, mouse, hands, full face, and sides of the keyboard (for rough sheet workspace). The laptop/desktop must be placed on a table or clear flat surface, as shown in Figure below.

    Prescribed Webcam View:

    Note: A student may use their mobile as an external webcam. Download and install the DROIDCAM app on their mobile phone and machine from the following link:

    The audio adapter of the machine must be enabled and running with a working microphone.

    A remote Invigilator will be assigned to the student for invigilation during the examination. The invigilator will connect to their system with the Auto-generated ID and password of the TeamViewer app and monitor their onscreen and live video feed activities. Therefore, the student shall send the TeamViewer credentials in the chatbox after logging into the exam application.

    Initially, the invigilator will complete the identification process through a live video feed. During the identification process, the invigilator will ask to show their surroundings to ensure they are alone in their room for the exam to take place. Next, the system will be inspected for the system verification process to verify if the laptop/desktop operates according to the pre-requisite requirements and prescribed rules.

    After the identification and system verification process is completed, the student will be allowed to start their paper. The invigilator will remain available until the completion of the exam.

    Note: Attendance will not be marked by invigilator if:

    The student appears from Pakistan.
    They do not provide the TeamViewer ID and Password credentials to the invigilator.
    The external webcam view is not set as per the prescribed Webcam View.
    The microphone is disabled.


    An overseas candidate must adhere to examination rules and regulations stated in the “Code of Conduct Outside of Pakistan” from the following link:

    UAN: +9242111880880 Ext: 352
    Direct #: +92-42-99204760, +92-42-99203899
    Mobile #/WhatsApp: +92-3000656908

  • Vu 20% Rule for passing an Exam

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    @ghulam-farid said in What is paper pattern?:

    please sir define the paper pattern of vu

    The pattern of exams (Midterm & Final) is the same as previous semesters (Objective & Subjective). Moreover, almost 50 % will consist of multiple-choice questions and almost 50 % will consist of 3 marks and 5 marks questions. However, if there will be any change in the exams pattern due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be announced so keep visiting the announcement section on VULMS and VU Student Email regularly for the latest updates.

  • Virtual University must hold exams... (Poll)

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    @Tahera-Irum said in All students who are registered in a new project in Fall 2020:

    @cyberian thanks for this opportunity . But my matterial is in urdu language it’s poetry!

    اردو لکھنا مشکل نہیں آپ اردو میں لکھ سکتی ہیں

  • Grand Quiz MGT 201 - Download Word File

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    Zahid AsamZ

  • 1 Votes
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    @Ramish-Khan said in CS702 Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion Fall 2020:

    Let P(x) denotes the statement x≥5. What will be the truth values of P (1) & P (5)?

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    Your mid-term exam for this course will start on July 01, 2020 and will end on July 02, 2020.

    Please read the following instructions carefully that would assist you to

    effectively attempt the midterm exam:

    Midterm exam will be in the form of Quiz titled as ‘’Grand Quiz’’. This grand quiz would be equivalent to 20% of overall course weightage. It would include 30 MCQs based on lecture no. 1 to 22. Each MCQ will have 4 options and you need to choose the most appropriate one. Allowed time for each MCQ is 90 seconds. You need to respond within this time period, otherwise it will become inactive. Each question can be attempted only once (attempt it carefully since no retake option is available) Please note that grand quiz MCQs may involve some calculations, therefore, it is advised to keep this point in mind while making your preparations.

    Stay safe and prepare well for your exams