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    @zareen said in CS614 Assignment No.2 Solution and Discussion:

    Question No. 2
    Consider the following normalized tables for a telecommunication company showing the daily call record details of customers:
    Customer_ID Customer Phone No. Balance
    1 033XXXXX 300
    2 033YYYYY 250
    3 033ZZZZZZ 300
    4 033AAAAA 1000
    5 033BBBBB 80
    6 033CCCCC 554

    … …

    Call_ID Customer_ID Dialed Phone Number Duration Call Charges
    1 1 032ABCVD 1 minute 2 RS
    2 1 032ABCVG 2 minutes 4 RS
    3 1 032ABCVD 1 minute 2 RS
    4 2 032ANNNN 3 minutes 6 RS
    5 2 032AMMM 4 minutes 8 RS
    6 3 033RRRRR 1 minute 2 RS
    … … … … …

    Due to certain performance factors company wants to de-normalize the tables using pre-joining technique.
    Table Information is given below:
    • Assume 1:4 record count ratio between customer Info (master) and Call record detail (detail).
    • Assume 15 million customers.
    • Assume 10 byte Customer_ID.
    • Assume 50 byte header for customer Info (master) and 80 byte header for Call record detail (detail) tables.
    You are required to perform the following tasks:
    • Calculate the Total space in GBs used with normalization.
    • Calculate the Total space in GBs used after de-normalization.

    With normalization:
    Total space used = 15 x 50 + 60 x 80 = 5.55 GB

    After de-normalization:
    Total space used = (80 + 50 – 10) x 60 = 7.2 GB

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    @Faaizaa said in CS614 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion Spring 2020:

    Re: CS614 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

    Assignment No. 2
    Semester: Spring 2020
    CS614 – Data Warehousing
    Total Marks: 15

    Due Date:
    June 17, 2020

    After completing this assignment, the students will be able to:
    • De-Normalize the given table using horizontal splitting technique
    • Calculate the Total space used with normalization.
    • Calculate the Total space used after de-normalization.

    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
    It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

    • Assignment is submitted after due date.
    • Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
    • Assignment is copied (From internet/ to from students).
    • Assignment is submitted other than word format (.doc, .docx).


    Question No. 1

    Consider the following table having the information of students of a university:

    Student ID Student Name Campus ID Student Age Degree Program 1 Ali VLHR01 27 MS 2 Kamran VISB01 24 BS 3 Akmal VRWP01 24 BS 4 Ahmad VLHR01 26 MS 5 Rehan VISB01 23 BS 6 Rizwan VRWP01 29 MS 7 Umer VISB01 25 BS 8 Javed VLHR01 26 MS

    You are required to completely de-normalize the above table using “horizontal splitting” on the basis of Degree Program.

    Question No. 2
    Consider the following normalized tables for a telecommunication company showing the daily call record details of customers:

    Customer Info Customer_ID Customer Phone No. Balance 1 033XXXXX 300 2 033YYYYY 250 3 033ZZZZZZ 300 4 033AAAAA 1000 5 033BBBBB 80 6 033CCCCC 554

    … …

    Call record detail Call_ID Customer_ID Dialled Phone Number Duration Call Charges 1 1 032ABCVD 1 minute 2 RS 2 1 032ABCVG 2 minutes 4 RS 3 1 032ABCVD 1 minute 2 RS 4 2 032ANNNN 3 minutes 6 RS 5 2 032AMMM 4 minutes 8 RS 6 3 033RRRRR 1 minute 2 RS

    … … … … …

    Due to certain performance factors company wants to de-normalize the tables using pre-joining technique.

    Table Information is given below:

    • Assume 1:4 record count ratio between customer Info (master) and Call record detail (detail).
    • Assume 15 million customers.
    • Assume 10 byte Customer_ID.
    • Assume 50 byte header for customer Info (master) and 80 byte header for Call record detail (detail) tables.
    You are required to perform the following tasks:

    • Calculate the Total space in GBs used with normalization.
    • Calculate the Total space in GBs used after de-normalization.

    Your assignment must be uploaded on VULMS on or before June 17, 2020. While June 18, 2020 will be a bonus day for assignment submission. After the bonus day, no assignment would be entertained via email.

    Solution file link

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    CS614 ASSIGNEMNT NO 01 Solution








    CS614 assignment Solution spring 2020.xlsx

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    2a4ac89f-cbe7-4262-beca-6e3876e68e0a-image.png 082f8ac1-7529-4db9-a900-09500328d6c1-image.png

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    @zareen said in CS614 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion:

    Calculate the total space reserved in memory using normalization

    Q. 1. Calculate the total space reserved in memory using normalization1. Calculate the total space reserved in memory using normalization

    Q. 1 Solution:
    Total space used
    = 10 (Million records) x 40 (Bytes header) + 110 (Million records) x 70 (Bytes header)
    = (1000000040) + (11000000070)
    = 8.1 GB

    Q. 2. Calculate the total space reserved in memory after de-normalization using pre-joining technique

    Q. 2 Solution:
    Total space used
    = (70 + 40 – 10) (Bytes header) x 110 (Million records)
    = 11 GB

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    3 Posts

    @zareen said in CS614 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Assignment No. 1
    Semester: Fall 2019
    CS614 – Data Warehousing
    Total Marks: 15

    Due Date:
    November 14, 2019

    After completing this assignment the students will be able to:
    • Identify Database entities from a given scenario
    • Understand the database table structure
    • Normalize a database table up to 2nd normal form
    • De-normalize relationships using collapsing table technique

    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
    It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

    o Assignment is submitted after due date.
    o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
    o Assignment is copied (From internet/ to from students).
    o Assignment is submitted other than word format (.doc, .docx).


    Question No. 1

    Consider the following schema related to a Social Media website named as ‘userPosts’. You have to perform following tasks related to the provided schema:

    1- Identify appropriate keys for following structure (Primary and/or foreign key(s))
    2- Convert this schema into 2 NF
    userPosts (userID, userName, password, address, postId, postDate, postContent)

    Question No. 2

    Consider the following schemas relevant to a hotel booking website. You are required to De-Normalization the given schemas using Collapsing Tables Technique.

    roomVisitor (roomID, visitorCNIC, dateTime)

    roomCharges (roomID, spentDays, roomRent)

    Your assignment must be uploaded on VULMS on or before November 14, 2019. While November 15, 2019 will be a bonus day for assignment submission. After the bonus day, no assignment would be entertained via email.

    Q.1 Answer:

    userDetails (userID, userName, password, address)
    posts(postID, postDate, postContent)
    userPosts (userID, postID)

    • userID and postID in schema / table ‘userPosts’ are foreign keys

    Q.2 Answer:
    roomVisitorCharges (roomID, visitorCNIC, dateTime, spentDays, roomRent)

  • CS614 Quiz No. 2 Solution and Discussion

    Solved CS614 - Data Warehousing
    1 Votes
    30 Posts

    1_ As per Bill Inmost, a data warehouse, in contrast with classical applications is:

    Data driven _ pg285

    2_ Which of the following is NOT one of the three parallel tracks in Kimball’s approach?
    Lifecycle Maintenance track

    3_ Bill Inmon argues that requirements are well understood only after
    Data warehouse is populated _ pg285

    4_ Goal driven approach of data warehouse development was result of ______ work
    Böhnlein and Ulbrich-vom _ pg285

    5_ Identify the TRUE statement:
    Clustering is unsupervised learning and classification is supervised learning _ pg 270

    6_ Normally the term “DWH face to the business user” refers to:
    Lifecycle Analytical Applications track _ pg 306

    7_ In ________learning you don’t know the number of clusters and no idea about their attributes.
    Unsupervised learning

    8_ Waterfall model is appropriate when
    Requirements are clearly defined _ pg 284

    9_ Implementation of a data warehouse requires ________ activities.
    none of above

    10_ Normally the input data structure (a database table) for a data mining algorithm:
    Has more number of records than attributes (not sure)

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    Answer will be same after convert.
