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CS615 - Software Project Management

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    Q.1 Solution:

    Name Description Planning Fundamental management function, which involves deciding beforehand, what is to be done. Origination Process of identifying and grouping work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibilities for the purpose of enabling people to work. Staffing Select right people for the right job. Misfit people should not be inducted. Directing Output are versatile in nature. So kind of directions, guidance and training required. Monitoring Ensuring that activities are going according to the plan, within the budget limit and according to the specification. Controlling Taking appropriate measures to remove all the obstacles which are effecting the pace and progress of the project. Innovations Introducing new ideas and apply new technology. Representation Who so over are the users? What you have developed, product or facility. Make sure that is as per the requirements.

    Q. 2 Solution:

    Execution Process Group Planning Process Group Monitoring Process Group Initiating Process Group Name of Process Group Description Execution Process Group Define process groups and established authority. Who is made responsible and authorized to start the project activity. Initiating Process Group Define objectives and plans. Realize that objectives are realistic and achievable. Any value added and ease for the user and organization. Planning Process Group All the inputs, equipment, machinery and instruction set all these things to be assembled. Monitoring Process Group A process should deduct and identify the obstacles and provide best alternatives.
  • CS615 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Solution Idea:

    Organization’s concepts and principles Answer 1. You can have small, middle and big organizations and people are managing by… 9 2. Whether, you have skilled people, unskilled people, top bureaucratic people, stakeholders and sponsors. There are all divide into corner areas. 8 3. Feedback comes from… 6 4. Organized collection of parts that are highly in order to accomplish an overall goal. 4 5. Different department as per their TOR, assignment and co-area of responsibility required to coordinate (integrate) through…. 5 6. Organizations primarily bit around the people. People behave as per the procedures, systems and guidelines. 7 7. Resources such as people, technologies, technical related knowledge and cash. 4 8. People, department or any other entities do not perform its functions properly and timely. 3 9. Product, services and by products (enhancement to skills and facilities) 2 10. It is natural and logical that team has learned something additional by doing that project and they enhanced overall skill and similar project can be done in much more professional way. 1
  • CS615 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Name Activity or Definition Lesser amount of the funds required At the time of initiation of project Maximum funds required Middle of the project, Bulk of the activity developed, Defined in phased Placed in life cycle Lesser amount of the funds required At the time of near to complete the project, Unique in Nature, Required limited time scale, Have special purpose Project Lahore to Islamabad motorway Project Overhead bridge Project Underpass to link Road A to Road B Project Control Traffic flow in Lahore Program Design to achieve a strategic business objective Program Provision of faster, save, secure and international traffic facility in Pakistan
  • CS615 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

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    Analysis Concepts and Principles Answer Example: What will be the output if no analysis performed? Example Answer: 11 In which phase, role of software is identified. 1 Bridges the gap between system level requirements engineering and software design. 2 Data, functions and behavioral requirements are identified by eliciting information gathered from…. 3 Why requirements are refined and analyzed? 4 Who will take care of all the user needs and requirements? 5 Who will interact the customer to elicit requirements? 6 What is required to perform job properly? 7 Who perform requirements analysis generally? 8 Who may perform requirement analysis task in complex business application? 9 What is required to system analyst to perform duties successfully in chemical industry while his past experience in banking sector? 10
  • Quiz # 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Unstructured and hurried software development is a
