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CS510 - Software Requirements and Specifications

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    Following requirements are gathered at initial stage. Identify Good or Bad requirements and you will only write most appropriate characteristic of a good requirement.
    Characteristic of a good requirement
    User friendly interface will be provided to the lawyer for ease of use purpose.
    Lawyer will be able to enter detail of specific case by filling the required fields
    Lawyer can quickly see the detail of specific case on screen after entering case tracking code.
    Client can only view documents of his/her own case through the management system.
    Lawyer needs to generate case tracking id for monitoring the hearing detail of the specific case.
    Client needs to follow case tracking id for tracking the hearing history of the specific case.
    Different report ids will be generated for both lawyer and client reports when request for case report will submit.
    Only registered clients will able to track case history of their specific case.
    Client will have five attempts for login to his/her account, Otherwise client will not able to login to the management system.
    Both lawyers and clients will able to check the rules and regulation details of court.

    Requirements Good/Bad Characteristic of a good requirement User friendly interface will be provided to the lawyer for ease of use purpose. Bad Lawyer will be able to enter detail of specific case by filling the required fields Bad Lawyer can quickly see the detail of specific case on screen after entering case tracking code. Bad Client can only view documents of his/her own case through the management system. Good Complete Lawyer needs to generate case tracking id for monitoring the hearing detail of the specific case. Good Consistent Client needs to follow case tracking id for tracking the hearing history of the specific case. Good Consistent Different report ids will be generated for both lawyer and client reports when request for case report will submit. Bad Only registered clients will able to track case history of their specific case. Good Clear and Concise Client will have five attempts for login to his/her account, Otherwise client will not able to login to the management system. Good Feasible Both lawyers and clients will able to check the rules and regulation details of court. Good Complete

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    @moaaz said in CS510 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion Fall-2019:

    @moaaz said in CS510 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion Fall-2019:

    Agile techniques (XP or SCRUM

    XP is the most specific of the agile frameworks regarding appropriate engineering practices for software development. Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.


    Thanks for sharing

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    Q. 1 Solution Idea
    Q. 2 Solution Idea

  • CS510 Assignment 2
 Solution and Discussion

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    Ideas Solution: 100% Correct
    Ans:1 Requirement Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements 1 Customer has to create a new login account Functional Requirements 2 Foodie must provide login security for the customers Non-Functional Requirements 3 Customer can view the menu of different restaurants Functional Requirements 4 Customer can select food item of his/her choice to the shopping cart Functional Requirements 5 Ordering facility of foodie must be reliable Non-Functional Requirements 6 Customer must checkout from the shopping cart Functional Requirements 7 The customer has to fill a form providing his/her details Functional Requirements 8 Form must be compatible with renowned Internet browsers i.e. Firefox, Google, Safari Non-Functional Requirements 9 Customer should select the specific time slot Functional Requirements 10 Food will be delivered to the customer at doorstep Functional Requirements

    Q. 2 Solution 100% Correct
    Questionnaire is a Requirements Elicitation technique that is best for
    Questionnaire is used to get statistical evidence for an assumption or to gather opinions and suggestions of the stakeholders. The questionnaire is also a traditional technique of requirement elicitation. The questionnaire helps to get the relevant information from several persons. The questionnaire should be clear, concise and structured in order to get accurate results. Genuine requirements can elicit through a questionnaire. We can evaluate the results if the questionnaire by using statistical analysis. At the end, we will able to obtain refined requirements.

    Idea Ans:2

    Traditional Technique
    Interviews, Questionnaires/ Survey, and Document analysais
    Reason: In this Technique Foodie can store the Basic Information about the customer, by taking a quick interview through Fill Up Form on the website it’s look like a short Interview about the customer i.e. Name, Address, Cell Number etc

  • CS510 Assignment 1
 Solution and Discussion

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    Requirements Good/Bad Characteristic The relevant user will only be allowed to browse the historical medical information of the patients. Bad Verifiable/Testable Patient record can be searched from the software application using a unique id that is generated based on DateOfBirth (dd-mm-yy) entered at the time of registration. Bad Inconsistent The system shall accept input of patients’ data from the patients and the dentist. Good Clear The software to be developed must store, updated and retrieve data from multiple input locations including hospital work-stations. Bad Unclear Registered users should only be able to access data, and an error message will be displayed if user will enter the password longer than 10 characters. Bad Ambiguous Patient shall be able to view his/her record and can also update his/her name, address, and DateOfBirth details(yy-mm-dd) Bad Inconsistent The dentist and the patients will be able to retrieve and sort medical record information and can also print output of said information. Bad Independent The software to be developed will be able to show the complete and full search record of queries by the dentist only. Good Clear The software to be developed must operate on peak working hours per day. Bad Incomplete The software to be developed must display correct patient name. Good Clear
  • CS510 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    I derived certain attributes that each RE approach has in common.
    Firstly, a RE approach consists of a certain analysis technique.
    Secondly, it uses a special notation to make it standardized and applicable for each analyst.
    Thirdly, it follows a fundamental principle to achieve a certain goal.
    Fourthly, there exists not only advantages but also disadvantages, making a RE methodology more or less appropriate for a modeling scenario.

  • CS510 Assignment No. 01
 Solution and Discussion

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  • CS510 Assignment No. 03
 Solution and Discussion

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