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ENG301 - Business Communication

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    Q.1 Solution:
    18450900-b115-4a29-84f2-e3833d90c053-image.png fa1dffc3-14f0-4403-a6f9-e7e27075c06d-image.png 76860a88-d90e-46cc-ac3f-1e4d003e63b0-image.png
    Q.2 Solution:

    Sr.# Description of Business Meetings Terms Appropriate Term 1. A list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning with the call to order and ending with adjournment. Agenda 2. The written record of the proceedings of a meeting. Minutes 3. A group of individuals who’ve been selected to help advise a business owner regarding any number of business issues, including marketing, sales, financing, expansion and so on; a body that advises the board of directors and management of a corporation but does not have authority to vote on corporate matters. Advisory 4. A topic formally introduced for business discussion Motion 5. A decision reached after a vote at formal meetings i.e. a motion successfully introduced. Resolution
  • ENG301 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Paragraph no. 1 is bias-free. Paragraph no. 2 has age bias. Paragraph no. 3 has disability bias. Paragraph no. 4 is bias-free. Paragraph no. 5 has gender bias.

    Q2. People in the world are not exactly alike. Cultures or countries are not the same. These differences, however, can cause problems in conveying your meanings. Each person’s mind is different from others. As a result, message sender’s meanings and the receiver’s response are affected by many factors. Keeping this in mind read the given descriptions and identify the correct type of barrier from the given choices. (5*2=10 Marks)

    The meaning of words, signs and symbols might be different from one person to another and the same word might have hundreds of meanings. So, when a message is sent by a sender to a receiver, it might be interpreted wrongly in a communication process causing misunderstandings between them.

    Semantic barrier

    Psychological barrier

    Emotional barrier

    Perception barrier

    This is the type of barrier in which environmental and natural conditions act as a hindrance in communication in sending message from sender to receiver. Organizational environment and interior workspace design problems, technological problems and noise are the parts of these barriers.

    Attitude barrier

    Emotional barrier

    Physical barrier

    Perception barrier

    The influence of mental state of the communicators creates an obstacle for effective communication. Communication is highly influenced by the mental condition that the communicators are in and is disturbed by mental disturbance. If the people involved in communication are not emotionally well, they won’t be able to communicate properly.

    Psychological barrier

    Emotional barrier

    Attitude barrier

    Perception barrier

    These types of barriers are mental walls that keep you away from openly communicating your thoughts and feelings to others. They prevent you from being yourself and living your life to the fullest. Individuals with such barriers tend to be extremely reserved, cautious, and insecure.

    Emotional barrier

    Psychological barrier

    Attitude barrier

    Perception barrier

    One of the most obvious barriers in communication would be the ethnic, religious and social differences that may exist in trying to communicate. If one doesn’t know much about a person’s society with whom one is trying to communicate, it will create a barrier because one does not know how to start or end a conversation.

    Perception barrier

    Cultural barrier

    Attitude barrier

    Experiential barrier

  • ENG301 Assignment No. 02 Solution and Discussion

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