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CS408 - Human Computer Interaction

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    @zaasmi said in CS408 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion Spring 2020:

    Question No. 2 05 Marks
    Following table consists some scenarios related to Design principles. You are required to write down the design principle related to the particular scenario.

    Scenario Design

    In older version of a work processor, one problem often encounters, when needed to set the properties of a word document, the option of properties should be in the File menu, and often seen it there. But once, file menu opened, it could not show there, it was so confusing. However, when a click on a small arrow at the bottom of file menu, it shows properties option again.

    In a website or any app. graphical elements like button, icon, links, and scroll bars are talked about obvious use like as icons should be designed to clicking, scroll bars to moving up and down, buttons to pushing.

    A common design practice in graphical user interfaces is to deactivate certain menu options by shading them, thereby restricting the user to only actions permissible at that stage of the activity.

    On a computer keyboard, the up and down arrows used to represent the up and down movement of the cursor, respectively.

    In a graphical user interface, the same input action always done to highlight any graphical object at the interfaces, such as always clicking the left mouse button to select the icons.

    5be67f1d-c397-4ded-83de-d61affefc5a2-image.png c227de35-3164-42a3-b82c-f164f3bd1e02-image.png

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    @moaaz said in CS408 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion Spring2020:

    Re: CS408 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

    Assignment No. 1
    Semester: Spring2020
    CS408 – Human Computer Interaction
    Total Marks: 15

    Due Date: 28-05-2020

    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
    It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

    o Assignment is submitted after due date.
    o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
    o Assignment is copied (From internet/students).
    The objective of this assignment is to:

    (a) Enables you to understand user experience goals

    (b) Enable you to find Goals, Operators and Sub-goals.

    Assignment Submission Instructions
    You have to submit only.doc/ docx file on the Assignments interface of CS408 at VULMS. Assignment submitted in any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.

    For any query about the assignment, contact only at [email protected]
    Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.
    Question No.1 10 Marks

    Question No 1:
    As we know that Microsoft has updated lots of feature in their every new-updated windows to improve Usability goals and user experience goals to make the user experience more efficient. Your task is to write down two updated features of each window (from window 7 to window 10) that has increased user experience.

    Question No. 2 05 Marks

    a) Let suppose a scenario that you watch HCI lectures of Virtual University, you have two options you can watch through LMS or YouTube, for the method you have selected, Write down the GOMS (Goals operators, methods and selection) method.

    b) Suppose a scenario that you are working in excel sheets, and you have entered many data and before closing the sheet, you forgot to save your data. What are the safety measures Microsoft has designed to ensure to safe user’s data?

    The deadline to submit your assignment is Thursday, 28 May 2020. Your assignment must be submitted within the due date through VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

    CS408 Assignment No.1 Solution Spring 2020
    Question No 01:
    As we know that Microsoft has updated lots of feature in their every new-updated windows to improve Usability goals and user experience goals to make the user experience more efficient. Your task is to write down two updated features of each window (from window 7 to window 10) that has increased user experience.
    Windows 7
    Advancements in touch, speech and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks, support for additional file formats, improved performance on multi-core processors, improved boot performance, and kernel improvements.

    Window 8
    Windows 8 introduced major changes to the operating system’s platform and user interface to improve its user experience on tablets, where Windows was now competing with mobile operating systems, including Android and iOS.
    In particular, these changes included a touch-optimized Windows shell based on Microsoft’s “Metro” design language, the Start screen a new platform for developing “apps” with an emphasis on touchscreen input, integration with online service, and Windows Store, an online distribution for downloading and purchasing new software. Windows 8 added support for USB 3.0, Advanced Format hard drives, near field communications, and cloud computing. Additional security features were introduced, such as built-in antivirus software, integration with Microsoft Smart Screen phishing filtering service and support for UEFI Secure Boot on supported devices with UEFI firmware, to prevent malware from infecting the boot process.

    Windows 8 was released to a mixed critical reception. Although reaction towards its performance improvements, security enhancements, and improved support for touchscreen devices was positive, the new user interface of the operating system was widely criticized for being potentially confusing and difficult to learn, especially when used with a keyboard and mouse instead of a touchscreen. Despite these shortcomings, 60 million Windows 8 licenses were sold through January 2013, a number that included both upgrades and sales to OEMs for new PCs.

    Microsoft released Windows 8.1 in October 2013, addressing some aspects of Windows 8 that were criticized by reviewers and early adopters and incorporated additional improvements to various aspects of the operating system. Windows 8 was ultimately succeeded by Windows 10 in July 2015. Microsoft stopped providing support and updates for Windows 8 RTM since January 12, 2016, and Windows 8.1 must be installed to maintain support and receive further updates per Microsoft lifecycle policies regarding service packs Support for IE10 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard ended on January 31, 2020. Market share had fallen to 2.25% by November 2019.

    In August 2019, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions. In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older.Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.

    Window 10
    Create events quickly
    Add emoji from your keyboard.
    Automatically back up your precious folders.
    Bring the Microsoft experience to your Android phone.
    Make your pointer easier to see.
    One of Windows 10’s most notable features is its support for universal apps, an expansion of the Metro-style apps first introduced in Windows 8

    Question NO 2:
    Part 1:
    Let suppose a scenario that you watch HCI lectures of Virtual University, you have two options you can watch through LMS or YouTube, for the method you have selected, Write down the GOMS (Goals operators, methods and selection) method.
    Goals describes what the user wants to achieve. It represent a ‘memory point’ for the user. In this scenario our goal is to watch Human computer interaction lecture

    These are the lowest level of analysis. They are the basic actions that the user must perform in order to use the system.
    In this case operator could be our mouse or keyboard where we write the command to search the HCI lectures on YouTube. Or click on the mouse for watch the video on lms
    A way to split the goals into sub goals. In this case method could be YouTube, or vu site for watching the video
    Select between the competators.
    Knowledge Representation Models
    How knowledge is represented
    •Mental Models How mental models (these refer to representation people construct in their mind of themselves, others, objects and the environment to help them know what to do in current and future situations) develop and are used in HCI
    •User Interaction Learning Models how user learn to interact and become experienced in using computer system.
    In this scenario our selection depends on us I will chose YouTube due to variety of videos there

    Part 2:
    Suppose a scenario that you are working in excel sheets, and you have entered many data and before closing the sheet, you forgot to save your data. What are the safety measures Microsoft has designed to ensure to safe user’s data?

    Excel periodically saves a copy of your Excel file.
    If Excel crashes, it displays the Document Recovery Pane, the first time you open Excel again. This is a quick way to recover the last auto saved file.

    File that was never saved
    If you’ve never saved a file and you accidentally click Don’t Save below when you close Excel (or Excel crashes), execute the following steps to recover the last auto saved file.

    Note: Excel tells you if a recent copy will be available.

    On the File tab, click Info. Click Manage Workbook, Recover Unsaved Workbooks. Click the last auto saved file.


  • CS408 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Yes, the utilization of speech recognition is extremely useful during a social environment. speech recognition systems had found a broad range of use in computerized games and toys, control of various instruments, data collection, and dictation. The feature also proved to be of much help among those that couldn’t obtain keypads and among those with certain disabilities. utilized in evolving search engines; when using search engines there are often differences between how we type our inquiries and the way we verbalize an equivalent queries. The user may have trouble expressing a phrase or their intent thus might not acquire appropriate results. With the inclusion of speech recognition in search engines, the results of accuracies are going to be significantly increased. As speech recognition improves, there’ll be a big implication on how the general public views search engines generally. Use in commission delivery; customers and clients might not want to talk to a live operator. Therefore, they prefer to use speech recognition systems. This helps to form the method efficient and improves on time because it cuts on waiting time. This has its application in various airports in confirming the travel schedules of the aircraft.

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    Q. 1 Solution Idea

    Devices Visibility Consistency Constraints Affordance Keyboard Keyboard design is a good design all the Alphabet and numeric are in different section also the special function key are arranged in top of the keyboard, specially delete button is very good deployed at right top, which cannot be accidentally pressed during any typing. Keyboard has strict constraint i.e if we want to used special character which are on numeric buttons these cannot be activated without pressing the shift button. Or some button on keyboard especially on laptop is only work with pressing “fn” key. Atm machine ATM has good visibility because it have a limited amount of button on his left and right side and only some limited amount of processing screen. ATM has low consistence because there is no similar function to perform. ATM machine have strongly constraint because without the limited amount of action the individual can nothing to do. ATM Machine have no good affordance because naive users have facing a lot of difficulty while using the ATM. Digital watch Digital watch have no good visibility because its screen is not visible in full sun light and in darken area. It is not consistence device because every button has its function, we cannot perform similar task with different button or method. Digital watch has less affordance because its button have no label, so the naïve user can not configure the time or date. Digital camera It has consistence function because every time we press the button the same work will be done against mentioned button. Good constraint because a person cannot capture video except listed format. Also we cannot change function or setting of camera. Less affordance because the new user can used Digital camera with facing some difficulties.

    Solution Idea:

  • CS408 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

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    Assignment No. 2 Solution and Discussion
    Semester: Fall 2019
    CS408 – Human Computer Interaction

    Question No. 1:
    Analyze the following scenario and write down seven stages of action for given particular scenario for solution.
    Scenario is:
    Suppose I want to go to market, but the tyre of my car got punctured. Now I have to repair it.
    You are required to write the seven stages of Gulf of Execution and Evaluation to solve the scenario.
    Human computer interaction and user experience design.
    One of the topics he covers in his book is a model/framework of how people act when they’re interacting in the world to reach their larger goals. This model is called the seven stages of action (or Norman’s Action Cycle)

    The model belongs to one of the most famous Interaction theories that have been used to model user behavior, evaluation, and to set up policies like to create user-friendly interfaces. The model can be divided into an execution phase and a phase of the evaluation.

    Scenario is:
    Suppose I want to go to market, but the tyre of my car got punctured. Now I have to repair it.
    It starts with the execution part
    • Specifying/forming a goal about something that you want to accomplish (My goal is going to market across the street but car tyre in punctured so I find first tyre shop )
    • Forming an intention to act (I form the intention of crossing the street to reach the tyre puncture shop)
    • Selecting an action or a sequence of actions that will lead you to your set goal (I select the action to press the key to start the car and crosswalk signal for crossing the street )
    • Execution of the action(s) (I actually do press the key to start the car and with the help to other to crosswalk signal by physical action and I do cross the street).

    After the execution part, the evaluation part begins:

    • Perception the state of the world/system (I Perceive that I’m now across the street to reach the shop)
    • Interpretation of this perception based on your expectations (I interpret this perception and help of other to find it)
    • Evaluating the outcome: Is the evaluation successful the problem is solved , goal reached and now go to the market .

    Question No. 2

    Consider a scenario; you are an HCI specialist in a renowned software house. Here your task is to check out design principles for two given websites.

    You are required to explain four Design principles according to the given websites.
    Design Principles
    There is no real consensus in the design community about what the main principles of design actually are. That said, the following twelve principles are those mentioned most often in articles and books on the subject.
    One of the most common complaints designers have about client feedback often revolves around clients who say a design needs to “pop” more. While that sounds like a completely arbitrary term, what the client generally means is that the design needs more contrast.
    Contrast refers to how different elements are in a design, particularly adjacent elements. These differences make various elements stand out. Contrast is also a very important aspect of creating accessible designs. Insufficient contrast can make text content in particular very difficult to read, especially for people with visual impairments.

    Every element of a design—typography, colors, images, shapes, patterns, etc.—carries a visual weight. Some elements are heavy and draw the eye, while other elements are lighter. The way these elements are laid out on a page should create a feeling of balance.
    There are two basic types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical designs layout elements of equal weight on either side of an imaginary center line. Asymmetrical balance uses elements of differing weights, often laid out in relation to a line that is not centered within the overall design.
    Emphasis deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out. In most cases, this means the most important information the design is meant to convey.Emphasis can also be used to reduce the impact of certain information. This is most apparent in instances where “fine print” is used for ancillary information in a design. Tiny typography tucked away at the bottom of a page carries much less weight than almost anything else in a design, and is therefore deemphasized.
    Proportion is one of the easier design principles to understand. Simply put, it’s the size of elements in relation to one another. Proportion signals what’s important in a design and what isn’t. Larger elements are more important, smaller elements less.
    Patterns are nothing more than a repetition of multiple design elements working together. Wallpaper patterns are the most ubiquitous example of patterns that virtually everyone is familiar with. In design, however, patterns can also refer to set standards for how certain elements are designed. For example, top navigation is a design pattern that the majority of internet users have interacted with.

    You are required to explain four Design principles according to the given websites.
    Security guarantee
    We build wordpress websites that have solid security measures build in to make them less prone to hacking and spam attacks. To date, none of the sites we have developed have been hacked or ddos attacked!
    Loading speed guarantee
    In our fast-paced world, your website needs to load fast too, under 3 seconds, if not visitors will leave, bounce rates increase and your conversions nosedive! We guarantee load speeds of under 2-3 seconds.
    Seo optimized guarantee
    Your site will be built with all the latest seo measures in place to make sure when Google crawls your site, your rankings will increase. We guarantee a seo optimized site.
    Mobile optimized guarantee
    With over 60% of internet traffic going over mobile devices, your site should work seamless on all platforms. We guarantee a mobile optimized site.
    User friendly guarantee
    We build clean designed sites and follow the latest ux and ui design principles, making sure your website users have a pleasant experience on your site and you will enjoy low bounce rates.

  • CS408 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Intended Interaction: Objects Identifier system for blind users
    (a) Device Name (b) Features © Solved Problems
    Input Device(s) Mobile Camera The device must have the built in camera to capture the image of object.

    The image of object will be stored in the device for image processing. A blind or visually impaired people find difficulties to recognize different objects by just touching them (unless trained).

    This input device will solve their problem in recognizing these objects by capturing the image of the object through the camera of the device.

    Output Device(s) Synchronized Speaker A synchronized speaker that speaks out that which objects is this.

    The main feature of the speaker is to speak out the object name after recognition of the captured image or video. A blind or visually impaired people find difficulties to recognize different objects by just touching them.

    This device will solve their problem by speaking out the name of object by capturing the image.


    Goal and Sub-Goals:

    Looking at the operators an obvious one to resolve this goal is Update paragraph
    Which has the pre-condition ‘required page of the file should be opened and cursor at start of paragraph’.
    We therefore have a new sub-goal: move to paragraph.
    The pre-condition is ‘cursor anywhere in document’ (which we can meet) but we want the second paragraph so must initially be in the first.
    We set up a new sub-goal, move to start, with pre-condition ‘cursor anywhere in document’ and result ‘cursor at start of document’.
    We can then apply move to paragraph and finally update paragraph. We assume some knowledge here (that the second paragraph is the paragraph after the first one).

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