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CS625 - Professional Practices

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    @zaasmi said in CS625 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2020:

    You have studied the Structure of Organizations in detail in lectures of week#3. In this assignment, you
    have to choose any large national or multinational organization of your choice (for example, PCB, Pepsi,
    PTV, Unilever, P&G, Dawlence, HBL, UBL, etc.) and explain its organizational structure in detail.
    Format of your solution should be as under:
    • Name of the Organization
    • Legal form of the Organization
    • Type of the Organization
    • Constitution of the Organization
    • Stakeholders of the Organization
    • Functional Units of the Organization
    • Administrative structure
    • Employees hierarchy
    • Revenue Generation
    • Types of Expenses

    Format of your solution should be as under:

    • Name of the Organization
    o Virtual University of Pakistan
    • Legal form of the Organization
    o Came into existence through an Act of Parliament (VU Ordinance) in 2002.
    • Type of the Organization
    o Federally Chartered Public Sector University
    • Constitution of the Organization
    o VU is owned by the Govt. of Pakistan (supervised by Ministry of Information Technology)
    • Stakeholders of the Organization
    o Govt. of Pakistan
    o Employees of the University
    o Students of the University
    o Affiliated Campuses
    • Functional Units of the Organization
    o Academic departments for delivering education
    o Administrative departments for supervision and control
    o Technical departments for providing technical and logistic support
    • Administrative structure
    o Chancellor (President of Pakistan)
    o Board of Governors
    o Rector (Chief Executive and Chief Academic Officer)
    o Executive Council
    o Academic Council
    o etc.
    • Employees hierarchy
    o Rector (Chief Executive and Chief Academic Officer)
    o Principal Officers > Managers > Supervisors > Officers > Clerical Staff
    o Professors > Associate Professors > Assistant Professors > Lecturers > Instructors
    • Revenue Generation
    o Tuition Fee collected
    o Govt. Funds
    o etc.
    • Types of Expenses
    o Employees’ Salaries
    o Utility Bills
    o Rental cost
    o etc.

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  • CS625 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    CS625 Assignment 3 Solution and Discussion

  • CS625 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

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    @zareen said in CS625 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion:

    c) Can we protect an idea using Intellectual Property Rights? Justify your answer with valid reasoning.


  • CS625 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    @zareen said in CS625 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Question no. 3:
    5 Marks
    Citrus bit is a software company which is known for developing embedded system. Lately the company has formed a software team which will be working on a complex system. The team will be mainly responsible for development of the system. However, in order to carry out the development activities smoothly, services of a person are required who will be managing those activities, so that the resulting system may meet the user requirements within the allocated budget and time.


    Project Manager

    The goal of a project managers is to produce systems which meet the user’s need on time and budget.
    The main concern for a project manager therefore is planning, progress monitoring, acquisition and allocation of resources, and quality control.