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PSY610 - Neurological Bases of Behaviour

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  • PSY610 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Case Identification Explanation Scenarios 1 Neurobiology Alina belongs to Neurobiology and developmental neurobiology (sub specialization of neurosciences); because Alina conducted some experiment to know about the hypothalamus and its activities. After conducting some experiments, she comes to know that hypothalamus plays a significant role in eating behavior of rats. 2 Neuroendocrinology Afifa wants to know influences of hormonal secretions on behavior. She studied about all the hormonal changes of the body so according to the scenario it comes on Neuroendocrinology which is also subfield of neurosciences. In this field; we study about the human’s internal system, their work and also their effects on human behavior. 3 Neuro Pharmacology This scenario belongs to medicine which cure the mental illness of the patient that is why this scenario will discuss on the Neuropharmacology, because pharmacology is the studies of medicines either medicines of physical illness or mental illness. It is obvious thing that every medicine has some side effects with their good effects. But people should take medicines for getting good result of some serious illness.

    Natural selection affects all living organisms, in keeping a species strong and fit for existence under the conditions in which it is living. Natural selection pressures can work only in the presence of genetic variability Adaptations made in one generation; if beneficial would be carried on to the next generation there is constant process of adaptation. If species do not adapt they do not survive (dogs which do not learn to watch for cars on the road, die which means the end of their genes). Primates developed extensions to help in survival/hunting (young chimps use hollow sticks for ants), as they could not compete with the stronger hunters and predators.

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    @zareen said in PSY610 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion:

    Azaan could recall the complete story of the cartoon. Which lobe of the brain is involved in it? Name and justify.

    Recall in memory refers to the mental process of retrieval of information from the past. … He would provide participants in his study with an excerpt from a story and then … This included new theories on how to view memory, often likening it to a … This means that recall only occurs if these two brain regions (rhinal cortex and …
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  • PSY610 Neurological Bases of Behaviour Mid Term Papers

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