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CS441 - Big Data Concepts

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  • CS441 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    @zaasmi said in CS441 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Re: CS441 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

    Assignment No. 1
    Semester: Spring 2020
    CS441 – Big Data Concepts
    Total Marks: 20
    Due Date: 01/06/2020
    Lectures covered:
    Week 1 to week 3

    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
    It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

    o Assignment is submitted after due date.
    o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
    o Assignment is copied (From internet/students).

    Software allowed to develop Assignment

    Python editor

    To enable students to write, execute a program in Python. Moreover to familiarize students with the concepts of:
    • Variables and operators
    • Conditional statements
    • Loop structures

    Assignment Submission Instructions
    You have to submit file on the Assignments interface of CS441 on VULMS. Assignment submitted in any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.


    Write a program in Pyton programming language, which allows the user to input an integer value for a variable named upperLimit. Based on the input value, the program should perform the following tasks:

    • Check whether the value entered by the user falls within the range from 1 to 100. (1 and 100 included in the given range.)
    • Calculate and display the sum of all numbers within the range (1 to upperLimit).
    • Calculate and display the average of all numbers within the range (1 to upperLimit).
    • Calculate and display the total number of numbers within the range (1 to upperLimit).

    Sample output for the wrong input:

    Sample output for the wrong input:


    Sample output for the correct input:


    The deadline to submit your assignment solution is 01/06/2020. Your assignment must be submitted within the due date through VULMS. No assignment will be accepted through email after the due date.

    Solution Code:

    start=1 sum=0.0 average=0.0 count=0 print("Enter the upper Limit:") upperLimit=input() if upperLimit<=1: print("Wrong input!! Upper Limit should not be less than 1") elif upperLimit>100: print("Wrong input!! Upper Limit should not be greter than 100") else: print for num in range(start, upperLimit+1): sum=sum+num count=count+1 print("Sum of all numbers within the range:") print(sum) print average= sum/count print("Average of all the numbers within the range:") print(average) print print("Total number of numbers within the range:") print(count)
  • 0 Votes
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    Pease star idea solution

  • CS441 Assignment 2 Solution and Discussion

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    class Product: Name = "NULL" Brand= "NULL" Price= 0 Quantity= 0 def __init__(self, na, br, pr, qty): print print "--------------------------------" print "Pametarized Constructor called:" print "--------------------------------" self.Name = na self.Brand = br self.Price = pr self.Quantity=qty def setName(self, n): self.Name = n def setBrand(self, b): self.Brand=b def setPrice(self, p): self.Price=p def setQuantity(self, q): self.Quantity=q def getName(self): return self.Name def getBrand(self): return self.Brand def getPrice(self): return self.Price def getQuantity(self): return self.Quantity P1= Product("Computer","DELL",48000,5) print print "Object values initialized through Constructor:" print print "Name: " , P1.getName() print "Brand: ", P1.getBrand() print "Price: ", P1.getPrice() print "Quantity: ", P1.getQuantity() P1.setName("Cloths") P1.setBrand("Bonanza") P1.setPrice(4500) P1.setQuantity(10) print print "-------------------------------------------------" print print "Object values assigend thorugh setter functions:" print print "Name: " , P1.getName() print "Brand: ", P1.getBrand() print "Price: ", P1.getPrice() print "Quantity: ", P1.getQuantity()
  • 0 Votes
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  • CS441 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    2 Posts

    Solution 100%

    start=0 evensum=0 oddsum=0 counteven=0 countodd=0 print("Enter the upper Limit:") upperLimit=input() print print("Even numbers are:") for num in range(start, upperLimit+1): if num%2==0: evensum=evensum+num counteven=counteven+1 print(num) print print("Sum of Even numbers:") print(evensum) print print("Total number of Even numbers within the range are:") print(counteven) print print("Odd numbers are:") for num1 in range(start, upperLimit+1): if num1%2!=0: oddsum=oddsum+num1; countodd=countodd+1 print(num1) print print("Sum of Odd numbers:") print(oddsum) print print("Total number of Odd numbers within the range are:") print(countodd)