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MCM511 - Theories of Communication

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    @umar-nadeem posted idea

  • MCM511 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Solution 1:
    The solution was required in the following manner.

    Establish or recalling your understanding of the normative theories. An analysis of the media system operating in Pakistan was required. Giving examples by considering/selecting a particular theory/approach. For example, in the Pakistani context, the social responsibility approach is the most suitable as media is free to exercise. It has been asked to regulate itself through an organizational mechanism to the most. Etc. A brief overview was required on the feasibility of the approach in the Pakistani context, that whether, it is suitable considering the cultural and political context or not? More details were required over the peculiar aspect of the system in brief along with examples. For example, the system is in line with democratic norms, media freedom is ensured, Etc.

    [@zareen said in MCM511 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion:

    Keeping in view the normative theories of mass communication, analyze the working of the Pakistani media and state that which media system is in operation in Pakistan? Discuss its viability and highlight the peculiar aspects in detail by giving examples.

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