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ENG521 - Language Classroom Management

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  • ENG521 GDB 1 Solutions and Discussion

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  • ENG521 Assignment 1 Solutions and Discussion

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    @zareen said in ENG521 Assignment 1 Solutions and Discussion:

    Q2. Suppose you are a language teacher and there are some problematic students in your class who are also very sensitive to criticism. You need to use covert management approach to handle such students and to maintain the discipline in the class. Write a note on the covert management approach by highlighting that how you will use this approach in classroom to deal with these difficult students.

    Teaching children and managing sometimes difficult situations is never an easy job. Teaching can sometimes become stressful even for the most accomplished teacher. It is vitally important that teachers think and feel as if they are in control all the time. Positive attitudes are contagious. By being positive, you will affect and change the children‘s outlook within the class in an empathetic and forward-looking manner. Never let the children know you have doubts in your own ability or are unable to cope in particular situations. Exude confidence at all times.

    Tips: The golden rules of teaching

    Believe that you can make a difference. Take your time and use the SMART goals. Celebrate all your achievements, however small. Understand that you are human and you will make mistakes. Remember, mistakes are merely the portals to learning. It is important to understand that children‘s behaviour mayonly improve slightly or sometimes not at all. It may even get worse before it gets better, which can make us feel helpless, even inadequate. Keep a flexible approach and do what works best for you and the children.• Plan ahead, but be flexible and accept change. Remember it takes time to accomplish all your goals. Also, keep your goals realistic. Don‘t take it personally when sometimes children will not show appreciation for your efforts. If you feel overwhelmed, talk it through with another colleague. Take time out to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, healthy eating and sleep. Adopt a sense of humour and have some fun.
  • ENG521 Quiz 1 Solution and Discussion

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