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MCM304 - Mass Media in Pakistan

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    Note: This is only solution making idea, not a complete solution.
    The Role played by the Mass Media in the Sub-Continent
    Mass media, especially print media, which was introduced by the British rulers in sub-continent. In the beginning, its role was limited and news were only available to the British employees from the rulers.
    But with the passage of time, people started English and Urdu publications. Newspapers highlighted the rough treatment of the British rulers and people become aware of the outrages. The Urdu press played its vigorous role in sub-continent and first Urdu newspaper was Jam-e- Jahan Numa by Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad. In 1830,
    British rulers declared Urdu as official language in some government institutions, this act give the boom to Urdu print media. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, who take initiative regarding to educate the people with modern education to stand against the British rulers.
    In 1971 Crisis, what do you think, a restricted/controlled Pakistani media was one of the reasons for the one sided projection of the situation and deteriorating the situation in the country
    People from both sides were uninformed of the situations, resources were taken by East Pakistan and at that time, no media coverage was done. Liaqat Ali Khan was murdered and Khawaja Nazimuddin was dismissed. Bhutto won the elections from the East Pakistan.
    Due to the lack of leadership in West Pakistan, the situation continued to weaken with the people of East Pakistan, which resulted in the Bengali’s starting a liberation movement by the name of Mukti Bahni. India along with its media conspired and fully supported the notion of an independent East Pakistan.
    In all these miserable circumstances the newspapers never gave a true picture to the people of Pakistan. Pakistanis were deprived of their right to know and ultimately they were not able to express their rights. By knowing the correct information people would have been able to take a stand, but unfortunately that was denied to the Pakistanis and the common man remained.
    Newspapers were under strict observation and no journalist was permitted to write about the situation in East Pakistan, to keep the people blind of the situation. People’s right to know was an unacceptable thing to the government at that time. PPO was revived again and used against the press by the new government.

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