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GSC101 - General Science

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  • GSC101 Assignment 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Assignment # 1

    Semester: Fall 2021
    General Science (GSC101)
    Total Marks: 20
    Due Date: 12thDecember,2021

    The assignment has been designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding about Laws of Physics and application of Physics in our daily life.
    • Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
    • To solve this assignment, you should have good command over first 09 lectures.
    • The assignment will not be accepted after due date.
    • Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.
    • The assignment file must be an MS word (doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.
    • Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.
    • Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).
    • Don’t wait for the last date to submit your assignment.

    For any query about the assignment, contact only [email protected]
    Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.

    «««««««««««««««Good Luck»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

    Question-1 (4 Marks)
    Write down two real life examples where object is moving with positive velocity but having negative acceleration?
    Question-2 (6 Marks)
    Read the following statements carefully, discussed which Newton law of motion is applicable and also explain reason.

    Statement Newton Law of Motion Explanation according to Newton 1. If you release a balloon in air 2. You need more force to move and accelerate a heavier objects than lighter objects. 3. A child riding a merry-go-round lets go and is thrown off the ride

    Question-3 (10 Marks)
    In the given figure two objects are hung on a frictionless pulley. The block of mass (m1) moves down and the bucket of mass (m2) moves up. Find out the magnitude of acceleration (a) of these two objects and tension (T) in the string. (Neglect the masses of pulley and rope)

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  • GSC101 GDB 1 Solution and Discussion

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    Yes there is a positive role as the eyes see the food and perseve it to the senses. If the food is neatly decorated and arranged we feel the urge to eat. Whereas the nose smell food and we get to know if the food is rotten or not. The aroma of the food also attracts us and we have the urge to it.