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ZOO505 - Cell and Molecular Biology

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    ZOO505: Cell and Molecular Biology
    Assignment No. 1
    Spring 2020
    Due Date: 15 May – 21 May, 2020
    Audio Introduction:
    “Please prepare an audio introduction file through any available device. Preferably Sound recorder of the Windows”
    General instructions
    • Total time of audio will be 5 minutes.
    o Your name and introduction of the course zoo505 (30 sec) (Very Important)
    o What is cell biology? (1 minutes)
    o Introduction of Cell membrane (1 minute)
    o Structure of cell membrane (2 minute)
    o Types of lipids present in cell membrane ( 30 sec)
    • This assignment carries 5 marks.
    “Audio Introduction file” should be uploaded on LMS not later than 21 May 2020
    DO NOT send the assignment thorough email. Assignments submitted through email will result in no marks.

    Instructions for audio recording through Sound recorder of the windows
    • Open Windows Search
    • Write “Sound recorder” in the search bar and click enter
    • Select the program “Sound recorder” Open it and start recording.
    • Save the file and send it through the LMS.

    This assignment will help you to develop presentation skills and strengthen you to present yourself in front of audience.

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