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PSC201 - International Relations

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    Note: This is only solution making idea, not a complete solution.
    In the context of the removal of the Article 370 in Kashmir by India, to what extent the role played by the present Government of Pakistan in highlighting the issue at the national and international level is satisfactory? Discuss by giving your point of view.
    Pakistan has played clear and visible role in highlighting the issue of Article 370 in Kashmir. The Current Pakistani Government knocked all the doors of peace building stakeholders of human rights for the eight million Kashmiris who was put in open jail which is unprecedented. The Government of Pakistan dragged attention of the world leaders and international bodies towards “irresponsible, unilateral and irrational behavior” of the Indian leadership by escalating the matter on every forum. Pakistan has briefly defined that if the world remains silent, does not react and does not uphold its own laws then Pakistan will not be responsible. Pakistan will fight at every forum for Kashmir, with full force and will, not then be blamed anyway.
    The Government of Pakistan encourages to make the International world recognize the need to show their existence, due role and come forward for humanitarian ground to ensure stability for global peace. The current Government of Pakistan has tried outmost efforts for peace and bilateral talks with India to resolve the matters peacefully for strategic and diplomatic relations… Pakistan has shown the friendliest and peace loving gestures by returning the Indian captured pilot even on that move India took it for granted and retained their arrogance. India’s decision to revoke Article 370 and 35-A of the occupied region does not only affect the Kashmiris and Pakistanis but the repercussions will jolt the world. Pakistan approached US, British Premier, Turkey, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, and France and so on to highlight the matters. Pakistan is united on the Kashmir agenda. Indian government wants to change the region’s demographics by allowing non-Kashmiris, mostly Hindus, to buy land and settle there permanently.
    Suggest ways that how both countries can effectively solve Kashmir issue using diplomatic techniques without war?

    Using bilateral ties and trade.

    Using Mediation and with the help of the UN.

    Using a dialogue process instead of war option.

    Make An alliance of countries for this specific issue and put pressure.

    Resolution of this conflict between the two countries must be based on previous international commitments/resolutions.

    Leaders from both countries need to put their egos aside and help initiate the dialogue process.

    Talks between the stakeholders must be accessible to the public and the press.