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E-Commerce Management, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), Digital Marketing, Freelancing,
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  • E-Commerce Management, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), Digital Marketing, Freelancing,
    38 Topics
    38 Posts

  • 12 Topics
    233 Posts

    See exactly how you can created a 99% automated YouTube channel that has over 3,000,000+ views, generates passive income in a number of diversified ways, helps him grow his personal brand and generates leads and sales.

  • 39 Topics
    156 Posts

    Each month, freelancers will get FREE Connects to find their next opportunity! Freelancer Basic accounts receive 10 free Connects each month, and Freelancer Plus accounts receive 80 free Connects each month. You’ll also be able to keep more Connects at the end of each month, with a new rollover limit of 200.

    Changes to Connects

    Awarding 10 connects for each interview won: when freelancers and agencies submit a proposal, win an interview, and respond, they can earn up to 50 connects every 7 days

    Increasing the Connects that new talent get from 20 to 80, including 40 for taking the Upwork Readiness Test

    Increasing the monthly free Connects on the Freelancer Basic plan from 0 to 10

    Increasing the monthly free Connects on the Freelancer Plus plan from 70 to 80

    Increasing the Freelancer Basic and Plus Connects Rollover Limit from 140 to 200

    Connects to Get Started
    When a new freelancer successfully registers on Upwork, they’ll receive 80 Connects to start building relationships.

    They’ll also be rewarded with more Connects for taking the Upwork Readiness Test and earning a Rising Talent badge.

    Connects to Reach Out
    Each month, freelancers will get FREE Connects to find their next opportunity! Freelancer Basic accounts receive 10 free Connects each month, and Freelancer Plus accounts receive 80 free Connects each month.

    You’ll also be able to keep more Connects at the end of each month, with a new rollover limit of 200. Just remember that they’ll still expire if you don’t use them within a year, so keep reaching out!

    Connects to Unlock Your Potential
    Connects are your way to build long-lasting relationships, whether you work 3. as a freelancer or as part of an agency team on Upwork.

    Now, when you submit a proposal to a client and win an interview, you’ll get a bonus of 10 Connects after you complete your interview. You can earn up to 50 Connects every seven days to win the jobs YOU want!

    Here’s how:

    Submit a proposal to a job. Receive an invitation to interview from a client. Respond and win a bonus!
    Note: Direct offers and invitations from clients won’t receive a Connects credit.

    Learn more about why we’re making these changes directly from
    [Hayden Brown, Upwork CEO.

  • 4 Topics
    4 Posts
    Amie WirkA

    As prices may vary, it is recommended to check with authorized retailers or online stores for the latest AirPods Pro price in Pakistan

  • seo training in pakistan, online free Training with digiskills trainer. Seo free Training in Pakistan

    41 Topics
    46 Posts

    There are several strategies you can employ to increase traffic to a new blog.

    Firstly, it’s essential to define your target audience precisely. Understanding your audience deeply enables you to create content tailored to their interests, rather than attempting to appeal to everyone.

    Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases. Tools like Keywords Everywhere or Google searches can assist in this process. Adjusting keywords to be more specific can make them more effective in driving traffic.

    For WordPress blogs, utilizing plugins like Yoast SEO can help optimize content for social media and improve visibility on search engines like Google.

    Avoid keyword stuffing, as search engine algorithms are sophisticated and can detect manipulative tactics.

    Utilize social media platforms to promote your blog and engage with potential readers.

    Consistent posting is crucial for maintaining a high ranking in search results. While it may be challenging to balance blogging with other responsibilities, keyword research can help generate ideas for blog posts.

    Consider implementing a website visitor tracker like Clickback WEB, especially for B2B blogs. This tool can identify visiting companies and provide contact information for key decision-makers, facilitating follow-up and refining buyer personas for better conversions.

    Remember, not every strategy will work for everyone. Experimentation and testing are key to finding what works best for your blog.

  • 84 Topics
    128 Posts
    mudassir afzalM

    You define very well :)

  • 31 Topics
    68 Posts

    Please read the instructions carefully!

    Quiz will be based upon Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

    You have to attempt the quiz online. You can start attempting the quiz any time within given date(s) of a particular subject by clicking the link for Quiz in LMS.

    Each question has a fixed time of 90 seconds. So you have to save your answer before 90 seconds. But due to unstable internet speeds, it is recommended that you should save your answer within 60 seconds. While attempting a question, keep an eye on the remaining time.

    Attempting quiz is unidirectional. Once you move forward to the next question, you can not go back to the previous one. Therefore before moving to the next question, make sure that you have selected the best option.

    DO NOT press Back Button / Backspace Button while attempting a question, otherwise you will lose that question.

    DO NOT refresh the page unnecessarily, specially when following messages appear
    Question Timeout: Now loading next question…

    Javascript MUST be enabled in your browser; otherwise you will not be able to attempt the quiz.

    If for any reason, you lose access to internet (like power failure or disconnection of internet), you will be able to attempt the quiz again from the question next to the last shown question. But remember that you have to complete the quiz before expiry of the deadline.

    If any trainee failed to attempt the quiz in given time then no re-take or offline quiz will be held.

  • 5 Topics
    43 Posts

    How to Write Urdu in Canva With Urdu Fonts

    What do you need to write Urdu in Canva Pro?
    The first you need to download free Urdu fonts that will help you to create awesome designs. cyberian is one of the best source to download Urdu and Arabic Fonts. You can find almost 500+ font collections in different styles i.e. Bold fonts, headings fonts, and stylish Fonts.

    Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Font Zip File

  • 5 Topics
    43 Posts

    @zareen said in Topic 2 | Creating an Account for Autodesk Products:

    Asallam Alaikum, Sir This video procedure is different maybe it was same back in 2016 but now their registration is different, I am having difficulty registering the institute section for my account at autodesk’s profile completion

    The Autodesk has only removed the 2016 version, the rest of the procedure for registration is the same. During setting up your education profile you will have to select “Student” as an educational role and add in your educational institute. Autodesk website has a limited database of Educational institutes, particularly Asian educational institutes. In this case, we have to add our institute name to their database.

    For reference: Video No. 3, Installation of AutoCAD from time 03:00 to onwards.

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  • Be your own Boss, Learn from the Learned

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  • How to use LMS

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    The Way Works


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  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

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    Hands-On Exercise No. 3 Batch: 3
    Total Marks: 10 Due Date: 30th May 2019
    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-On Exercise:
    • Use MS Word to prepare Hands-On Exercise solution.
    • You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.
    • Your submitted Hands-On Exercise will not be considered/counted if:
    ▪ It is submitted after due date.
    ▪ It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)
    ▪ It does not open or file is corrupt.
    ▪ It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)
    Learning Outcome:
    After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:
    • Understand off-page optimization.
    • Practice link opportunities.
    • Practice guest posting.
    • Practice blog commenting.

    Please note that there are six parts of this exercise. You are required to complete all parts.

    Do you remember that one website, which you used in your last assignment? Take out one page which you optimized in the last assignment with primary keywords. You have to find link opportunities with the help of your primary keywords by searching them in google. Search for websites which allow you to post your content on their sites. You will search guest post sites first. Same you will search in blog commenting sites to post your content in comments.

    Search guest post websites to see if they are accepting guest posts.

    Like the guest posts, find the blogs where you can post comments and share your links. (try to find more do-follow links)

    Take screenshots of the 2 websites that allow the guest post and 2 websites that allow commenting links or content.
    You can take any page from the last practiced hands-on-exercise. You can take any 2 blog commenting sites and 2 guest post sites against targeted keyword.

    This Hands-On Exercise will be evaluated based on the procedure and steps that you shall follow during the exercise.

    Create MS Word file of snapshots/screenshots that you have created.

    You can also use your existing Google account or create a new account.

    How to submit a solution of exercise on LMS?
    Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS:

    Login to the LMS Click on the Exercises button within the My Activities section Click on the submit button to upload your Solution. Please remember to upload your Solution in .doc or .docx format
  • E-Commerce Management

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    4 Posts

    Hands-on Exercise No. 3 Total Marks: 10 Batch: 3
    E-Commerce Management Due Date: 30-May-2019
    Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise: You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the Hands-on Exercise.
    It should be clear that your Hands-on Exercise will not get any credit if:
    ▪ It is submitted after due date.
    ▪ It is not in the required format (.doc or docx)
    ▪ The submitted file does not open or file is corrupt.
    ▪ It is copied(partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc)
    Learning Outcome:
    After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:
    ● Install and Configure OpenCart on Hosting Service or localhost.
    ● Configure cPanel or XAMPP.
    ● Add products on OpenCart.
    ● Handle a customer order.

    Problem Statement
    Please perform following steps:

    Create an account at any free web hosting site or Install and configure XAMPP and send a screenshot. (1 Marks)

    Download and Install OpenCart on Hosting Service or Localhost XAMPP and send a screenshot. (2 Marks)

    Create 5 categories of following items and send a screenshot. (2 Marks) a) Phone and tablets.
    b) Sports.
    c) Health.
    d) Clothes.
    e) Appliances

    Show 5 categories in navigation and send a screenshot. (1 Marks)

    Add one product on any of the category created above and send a screenshot. (1 marks).

    Write SEO friendly Title and product description. Send a screenshot (1 Marks).

    Place a test order as a guest user and send a screenshot. (2 Marks).
    In case of any confusion please use following helping videos and links: 3.

    How to submit solution file on LMS?
    Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS:

    Login to the LMS Click on the Exercises button within the My Activities section Click on the submit button to upload your Solution. Keep in mind to upload your Solution in .doc or .docx format


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    1- Keyword Search

  • User are shown Facebook Ads with?

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    2- Highest Total Value of Ad

  • Facebook Ads Target user on basis of ?

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    Location, interest and Profile information

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    non of above
  • Following Action is prohibited in AdSense:

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