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PSY511 - Environmental Psychology

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    There is no specific solution to complete this assignment. However, a specimen is provided.
    Marks: 20
    a) What sort of difficulties do they face?
    Students are required to report some problems faced by the workers working in a steel factory. For example, load shedding, lengthy working hours, high temperature, heavy noise and etc.
    b) ConsideringthemonthofJuly,doyouthinktheirworkperformancewillbeaffected due to high temperature? Justify.
    Students are required to either agree or disagree if the work performance of the workers will be affected by the high temperature. For example, the work performance of the workers will obviously be affected. Humans can bear a certain temperature. Temperature during the month of July is already very high and workers working in a steel factory will have to bear extra heat as well. The total heat combined will affect their health both physically and mentally and in turn, their work performance as well.

    c) Considering the noise produced by heavy machinery inside, do you think their work performance will be affected? Justify.
    Students are required to either agree or disagree if the work performance of the workers will be affected by heavy noise. For example, the work performance of the workers will obviously be affected. Humans can bear a certain level of noise. Noise in a factory is very high, even capable of damaging the hearing capacity of an individual. Their work performance would obviously be affected since they will be facing such a high intensity level of sound. High level of sound is bad for the humans not just physically but mentally as well.
    d) Suggest a way to enhance their work performance keeping in the view the arousals of noise and temperature.
    Students are required to suggest some solution for enhancing the work performance of the workers considering the arousals of noise and temperature.
    For example, increasing awareness of the effects of noise and temperature and asking the manager of the factory to provide them with appropriate clothes and noise-cancelling equipment.

  • PSY511 GDB1 Solution and discussion

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